40th International Conference on Economics And Business Management

24th & 25th June 2023 @ in Warsaw, Poland

Call for Papers

As a Scientific Research Conference Organizers, The Global Academic Research Institute is proudly organizing 40th International Conference on Economics And Business Management (ICBME 2023) under the theme of "New Approaches in Economics and Business: Problems & Opportunities". We welcome proposals for papers and invitations for abstract submissions are now open for both Oral and Poster presentations covering current research and new processes. All contribution should be of high quality. During the review period, Papers will be reviewed by eminent scholars in the respective areas. Two types of submissions are invited:

  • 01. Full papers reporting on original and unpublished research
  • 02. Work-in-progress papers or Abstract

Participants will find opportunities for presenting new researches, exchanging information, and discussing current issues. Research papers related to all areas of Banking and finance, Business Ethics & Law, E-commerce, Economics, Human Resources, Management, Marketing, and Tourism (but are not limited to) are invited for the above international conference which is expected to be attended by the authors from all countries. Please note that speakers are encouraged to submit a full paper before the conference. In addition, all the submitted full papers will be review by journal editorial board and few high-end papers will be published in international GARI e-Journal having ISSN and All Selected papers will be published conference printed proceedings & DVD having ISBN as well as a conference library page.

For abstract submission fill in the online submission form or contact helpdesk@gariteam.com. Presentation time allocated 20 mins (15 min presentation 05 min questions), All Selected papers will be published on

Print & Online proceedings Book will include "EXTENDED ABSTRACTS";
Extended abstracts should be at least three pages, but not more than five pages in length including the references. The word limit is 1000 - 1200 words.

GARI International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

International Journal of Social Science and Humanities

NOTE : Special for Overseas Delegates (Due COVID-19 a pandemic) If you unable to Travel

Virtual Delegate Presentation (via ZOOM platform) is available at the conference & All the presentations LIVE STREAM on Facebook. After the event, We post the Print Certificate & Proceeding

Conference Scope


Human Resources
Tourism, Hospitality & Leisure
Estate Management and valuation
Entrepreneurship / Social Entrepreneurship
Operation Management, Accounting
Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)
Information Technology
Micro Finance Management & Developing Countries Bank Behavior
Digital Marketing, E-commerce, Social Media, SEO & Marketing Strategies
Sustainable Development
Sports Management
Corporate Governance
Public Administration
Contemporary issues in Business Management and Economics
Green Marketing / Sustainable Marketing
Information and Knowledge Management
CSR - Co-operate Social Responsibility
Contract law, Competition law, corporate finance law and Taxation law
Employment / Labor Law
Intellectual Property Law & e-Private policy
Business Education
Risk Management
Banking and Finance
Business Ethics
Renewable energy and Economics
Global Investment Decision Making
Innovative Applications in Modeling and Decision Techniques
Portfolio Models and Stock Markets
Supply Chain Management
Business Innovation Management
Service Management
Leadership & Knowledge Management
Business Communication
Marketing & Business Research
Trend & Innovation
Money, Banking and Financial Markets
Development Economics
Quantitative Methods & Game theory
Agricultural Economics
Environmental Economics
Rural Development Economics
Industrial Economics
Islamic Economics
Law & Economics
Industrialization & Emerging Markets
Applied Econometrics
Public Policy, Governance & Ethics
International business and communication, treaties and trade reforms

Important Dates


Abstract submission deadline
24th May 2023
Notification of acceptance
Within 03 Days
Full paper submission deadline
30th May 2023
Registration Deadline
31st May 2023

Submission Guideline


Guidelines for Extended Abstract
Full Paper
Abstract Submission Template
Every presentation give 20min allocated (15min presentation & 05min questions)

Registration Fees


All Participant Registration (EURO)
Delegate Presenter/Author (Oral/Poster) €290
Delegate Student* Presenter/Author (Oral/Poster) €250
Virtual Delegate/Presentation €230
Accompanying Person €230
E-Poster €165
Additional paper by the same author €185
Additional attending co-author €230
Delegate Listener €995
*Students include; PhD, Masters, Undergraduate, Or any Proven Student Capacity




Warsaw, Poland
Warsaw, Poland